
What We Do

Since our founding, TK Solutions has been known for quality services, exceptional efficiency and the highest level of professionalism. No matter what service you’re looking for, we guarantee to not only meet, but exceed your expectations and ensure your full satisfaction.
Our team is up for every job, managing projects with the skill and experience our clients have come to expect. Please get in touch to learn more about our team, our company or for details about the services we provide.

Proffesional Services

Residential Services

  • New Extensions
  • Line Faults / Crackling Lines
  • Broadband / ADSL faults / Issues
  • Moves & Changes

Broadband / WiFi Services

  • New Wireless Access Points installed
  • Router Reconfiguration
  • WiFi coverage issues
  • Router supply and installation
  • Network Points installed

Want to know more … ?

Network Services

  • Network Points Installed
  • Smart Hands services , let us be your eyes / ears / hands on site.
  • Microsoft Teams / Zoom Setup
  • Hosted Telephony setup & deployment services
  • Mobile Booster deployment
  • Smart Tv setup
  • ISDN 30 / ISDN2 Testing services ( with Trend Aurora )